Ahmed Nabil Belbachir

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Duration: 1.January 2009 – 31. December 2010

Title: Automated Counting and Classification of Pedestrians and Bicycles Using a Biologically-inspired Stereo Vision Sensor

Funding agency: Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology

Partners: Österreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal GmbH;

             AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Safety and Security Department;

             Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH;

             KO­MO­BI­LE Gmun­den GmbH

Coordination: Norbert Braendle (Österreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal Gesellschaft m.b.H)

Website: http://verkehrstechnologien.at/smartcountplus/_/prog18/subprog34/project579?scope_langid=2

Summary: The objective of SmartCountPlus is to develop automated counting technology of non-motorized traffic (pedestrian and bicycle traffic) for outdoor mobility application. A biologically-inspired stereo vision sensor system was developed, comprising a sensor and computer vision algorithms, to automatically provide long-term continuous counts of non-motorised traffic. This intelligent surveillance system provides a basis for novel statistical models which will can developed at the intersection between the fields of traffic telematics and urban planning.


Results: will be published soon


Credit to collaborators: Stephan Schraml and Norbert Braendle

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