Ahmed Nabil Belbachir

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  1. 5th IEEE Embedded Computer Vision Workshop, October 3rd 2009, Kyoto Japan (Attendance: 50-100). Organized in conjunction with ICCV2009. program chair
  2. 6th IEEE Embedded Computer Vision Workshop, June 13th 2010, San Francisco USA (Attendance: 150-250). Organized in conjunction with CVPR2010. general chair
  3. 7th IEEE Embedded Computer Vision Workshop, June 2011, Colorado Springs USA. Organized in conjunction with CVPR2011. general chair
  4. 8th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop, June 2012, Providence USA. Organized in conjunction with CVPR2012. general chair
  5. 9th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop, June 2013, Portland USA. Organized in conjunction with CVPR2013. steering committee
  6. 10th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop, June 2014, Providence (RI) USA. Organized in conjunction with CVPR2014. steering committee
  7. 11th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop, June 2015, Boston USA. Organized in conjunction with CVPR2015. steering committee
  8. 12th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop, June 2016, Las Vegas USA. To be organized in conjunction with CVPR2016. steering committee
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